This is going to sound harsh and might upset a few people, which isn't my intention, but the site shutting down may be a blessing in disguise for many.
Forums like these are vital in helping vulnerable people, like those who are just exiting from the JWs. We have all been there and know how valuable they can be.
But there is a harmful aspect that people need to be cautious of and that is how easily people can become reliant on these sites.
I see these sites as an aid to recovery from the trauma of being exposed to a harmful cult like religion. They help people with the transition from cult life, to being strong enough to be able to live and cope with the real world. To become just a normal person if you like.
Long term dependence on these sites inhibits the ability for people to move on properly with their lives and living in the real world. Full recovery from the JWs is the only healthy place people leaving should aspire to and that means living and coping in the world outside the religion.
If people linger around sites like JWR too long, they can end up in a situation of permanent reliance. That's when sites like these become unhealthy.
The fact that so many people are coming here from JWR feeling such loss makes me suspicious that they have become too dependent, when really they could and should have moved on before now.
Won't apply to everyone obviously. Some people who are out but have believing family can't just move on, for example.
But I feel that people need to ask the question that if the abrupt dissolving of a web site upsets them that much, have they really moved on with their lives for the better? Rather than make this site "your new home", maybe it's time to embrace the real world and truly leave behind all things JW.
Oh, and just to explain why I'm here, I got sucked back just because I wanted to challenge one of the members on here who persistently cheats in their arguments.
I must have been feeling weak that day.